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Discover Your Higher Calling with Awake Male’s Men’s Discussion Group

July 8th, 2011 by Ryan

Do you want to tap into your personal power? 

Do you feel "something" missing in your life?

Are you ready to take the journey of self awareness?

Take responsibility for your life, now!

These are the welcoming statements from a new online men's discussion group, started by my friend Todd Wagner, called Awake Male.

Awake Male Men's Discussion Group

It's a place for us men to gather and share our insights, challenges, and realizations as we progress through the deeper experiences in our lives.

In Todd's words:

Awake Male is an on-line community dedicated to the growth of male consciousness. It is intended to be a place for men and women to share and discuss personal and collective topics specific to men who are searching for "more" in their lives. 

 There are already a number of stimulating discussions in progress, such as:

  • What is a man?
  • Where is Male Leadership?
  • Pornographic and Sexual Necessities for men
  • Staying Grounded and Connected 

I've dived in and contribute my thoughts to a few of the discussions and plan to follow up soon. 

If you feel you can contribute or have burning questions to add, I'd encourage you to sign up on the site for free and jump into the discussion at

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5 Responses to “Discover Your Higher Calling with Awake Male’s Men’s Discussion Group”

  1. Todd Wagner Says:

    Ryan, Thank you for the plug and kind words. I really enjoy reading your insite both here and on Awake Male. Thank you for your contributions.

  2. Jerry Coldwell Says:

    Hi, Awake Male looks like a great source of info and networking. Thanks for sharing this with us. 🙂

  3. Victor Collins Says:

    I will be following in the discussion.

  4. Charline Meske Says:

    This is a great time with men to share their own views to get good and healthy body.

  5. Diane Zeilinski Says:

    This is very interesting discussion for men. For sure everyone have something to share.,,

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