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Yang Town 1-Year Anniversary and Update

November 19th, 2008 by Ryan

You may have noticed that Yang Town recently turned 1 year old a few months back (in August).  So…to celebrate, I've decided to…delete some of my most popular old posts ๐Ÿ™‚

Basically, I am going through all old articles (and the revive your sex drive ebook) and sort of updating the energy so that it resonates closer to where I am currently at and where we are headed.

I also removed all guest posts, simply so that I can maintain a singular focus of energy across all published material.

I am dedicated to providing you with the very best energy that I have available, yet at the same time, I want to share life's lessons as I learn them in all their imperfect glory.

So it's a bit of a balancing act.

Anyway, We've come a long way in the last year. 

From August 2007 – August 2008, Yang Town has had:

  • 53,234 Visits
  • 117,791 Pageviews
  • 1,413 Email Subscribers

Not too shabby…as for an update on the blog:

We all go through rhythms and cycles in our life.

When we are in a yang cycle, we are expanding, teaching, and giving.  When we are in a yin cycle, we are nuturing, learning, and receiving. 

At the moment, many of us, (myself included), are going through a yin cycle where we can heal; heal our financial systems, our career paths, and ourselves.

It is in these yin cycles that it appears like nothing is happening (except perhaps chaos) but this is the stage where a lot of energy is shifting beneath the surface; we are becoming clear about what we truly want in our life (and what we don't want).

This is the time to go inward and rearrange our relationships, our surroundings, and our life, from the inside out.

These past 6 months I have been doing just that and I have some incredible content that I am still in the process of learning, integrating, and putting together.

During this time, I have been fortunate to have found an incredible spiritual teacher and friend with whom I will introduce you to in the near future.

In the meantime, study the resources and posts presented here as well as the value online products such as the Try It On Everything EFT Documentary (& Free Bonuses), and the Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) products.

If you have a pressing spiritual or emotional-related question, feel free to post it in the comments section (or contact page) and I'll do my best to respond with valuable insights to assist you.  

Thanks for your support and readership.

Sat Nam!

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8 Responses to “Yang Town 1-Year Anniversary and Update”

  1. Tuplad Says:

    BEAST! Good material you’ve got on here, I’ve found some interesting blogs though your Blogroll too.

  2. business stationary Says:

    * 53,234 Visits
    * 117,791 Pageviews
    * 1,413 Email Subscribers

    Wow nice, congrat ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Ryan Says:

    Hey Tuplad, good to hear ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Alex Strandberg Says:

    Over 53,00 in one year, very impressive. Happy birthday yangtown


    Alex Strandbergs last blog post..Holding Onto the โ€œWrongโ€ Girl: Biggest Dating/Relationship Mistakes Part Two

  5. Gary Young Says:

    Congratulations on the one-year mark and all your achievements.

    As part of being whole in one’s life, it is important to not only be spiritually, physically and emotionally fit but to consume nutritious foods. Gary Young is one of the world’s foremost experts in the use of essential oils to release stress, tap into well being and use essential oils to be more spiritual. Have any of you used essential oils or something similar for meditation etc?

  6. Mr Detox Says:

    That’s a lot of success in a year – well done. You are obviously saying what a lot of people want to hear.

    Good luck for 2009.

  7. Ryan Says:

    Hey Alex, thanks man. Congrats to you as well with getting your site revamped and all.
    Gary, good suggestion, I’ve heard a lot of good things about healing oils and I believe they can be very effective when used properly.

  8. Bob Miller Says:

    Congratulations Alex – reaching the one year mark is truly a brilliant achievement in itself.
    -Bob from Awnings Johannesburg

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