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Why Your Beliefs are More Important than Your Genes: Understanding Bruce Lipton’s “New Biology”

February 3rd, 2010 by Ryan

We have often heard the phrase, "Well you can't change your genes"

Or, "That's just the way I was born, nothing I can do about it."

It seems like common knowledge to think that there are some diseases that are caused by "genetic factors"; as if to imply that those who become sick are just "really unlucky."

Many research studies and reports claim that a great majority of our behavior, health, and even our personality, is pre-determined by the genes we received at birth from our parents.

The whole notion of us "being powerless to change our genes" leads many people to hold resentment towards their parents (and possibly God too).

They may ask "Why me?" or say "Life isn't fair."

The entire reality is one of disempowerment…one of being a victim who is subject to what happens to them.

Every once in a while, though, someone comes along and challenges these long-standing paradigms of reality.

Someone who asks questions like, "What if everything we thought we knew was wrong?"  "What if our genetic makeup is not set in stone?"  Better yet, "What if there is actually something higher than our genes, something that has the power to change them?"
bruce lipton
In the early 1980's, a cellular biologist named Bruce Lipton was doing research on human tissue cells at the University of Wisconsin.  

He would take cells out of people and put them into culture dishes to study them.

During his work, he came upon some startling realizations that shook his entire scientific reality when it came how a cell functioned and the role of the environment in determining that cell's behavior.

For one thing, he discovered that it was the cell's perception of its environment (not the genes), that ultimately controlled a cell.  

So for example, when a cell perceived danger in its environment, it would alter its genes in a certain way to get away from that danger.  

Although the genes controlled behavior, the cell's perception of its environment controlled the genes.

Bruce Lipton calls this "Epi-Genetic Control" which means "Control above the gene."

To see a full lecture, see the video below:

Bruce Lipton The New Biology
You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

Basically, a cell will monitor its environment for changes and, based on it's perception of the environment (it's beliefs), the cell will modify it's genetics to have the best chance at surviving.

It makes sense.  The cell receives information about the environment and then changes its genes so that it is capable of thriving in that environment.  

So we see that evolution is taking place in every moment. 

The old scientific belief implied that evolution happened primarily through the process of reproduction (in which an organism passed on its genes to its offspring ) in concepts such as Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest.

This "New Biology" shows us that at any moment in time, we actually have the capability of changing our genes to meet our environment.  

In fact, not only do we have the capability, we are already doing it.

We have all heard about the process of cancer and how cells have "mutated" to become harmful and destructive to the body.

Could this have something to do with our perception of our environment (ie, our beliefs)?

If our cells are changing in response to the world we see out there, then what happens when we only see a bad world? 

What happens when we watch the bad news all day, or are engrossed in reality-show bickering, or hang around negative people?

Remember, our genes change, not in response to the world, but to our perception of it.

If we see a world that is dangerous and threatening, then our genes will change to meet that world: 

Our body will focus all its energy on short-term survival; blood will be directed to our muscles, our adrenal glands will be burning our energy reserves, our immune system will shut down, and we will have less rational thinking capability and more emotional-instinctual brain function.

If we see a world that is safe and peaceful, then our genes will change to meet that world: 

Our body will focus all its energy on long-term survival; blood will be directed to our organs, our brain will release endorphins, our immune system will be ramped up, and we will have more rational thinking capability and less emotional-instinctual brain function.

I don't know about you, but I like that second option.

When we realize that our perception actually change us on a physical level, wouldn't it make to sense to consciously choose who and what we give our attention to?

Also, it's not just the world that we see in front of us, this includes the world that we see when we look at our past.

Do you know the role of emotions in keeping us alive?  

Emotions evolved as a way to help us survive.  During an experience in which we perceive danger, our emotions imprint a memory in our mind.  

This means that if we were eating berries by the river and a giant lion came to attack us, we would emotionally remember everything that was happening at the moment; what we were eating, what we were touching, what time of day it was, and so on.  

That way, the next time we were in that situation, our emotion would alert us of a possible reoccurrence of that danger.  

In this way, traumatic events imprint memories and emotions into our mind in an effort to help us survive.

The problem with emotions, is that they can be triggered at random times and throw our system into survival mode even if we aren't really in danger.

So if we have many traumatic emotional experiences from our past, then we may be triggered by these memories and react as if they are still happening to us.  

We see a dangerous world because we have emotional experiences that alter our perception.

We can see how important it is to both, consciously monitor what we are giving our attention to, and let go of old painful emotional experiences.

How do we do that?

It's actually not that hard to do.  Within the last decade or so, many new breakthrough "emotional technologies" have come out that allow us to rapidly process and release traumatic experiences and reprogram our mind and emotions.  

Two very powerful emotional technologies are the Emotional Freedom Technique and the Tapas Acupressure Technique. 

There are even programs like Holosync that help you to enhance your brain so that it becomes wired for peace and relaxation (rather than fear and stress).

I know these processes work because I've used them for the past several years and have witnessed dramatic changes in my quality of life and my relationships.  

When we really get it that we have the power to change our world, it actually becomes fun…who would have thought?

So reflect, for a moment, on yourself.  

What would you like to change in your life?  

What part of your body would you like to heal?

What kind of world would you like to live in?

You can apply these ideas and techniques to literally create anything you want.  

So what are you waiting for?  Give it a shot!

For me, I often learn things best when I have a very thorough understanding of the science behind a new breakthrough.

So if you'd a more in depth recap of exactly how Bruce Lipton came to these discovers, check out his audio program The Wisdom of Your Cells.

wisdom of cellsThis program covers concepts such as:

Why cells respond to energetic signals over a 100 times faster than chemical signals (and why this understanding shows, scientifically, why prayers and energy healing can create "sudden and profound" healing).

Why the Nucleus of a cell is NOT the brain of a cell (and why this understanding totally changes everything we know about keeping our body healthy).

How the Placebo Effect works (and how you can use it to your advantage in creating optimum health)

How the Nocebo Effect works (and why not knowing about it can lead to disastrous health results).

This is definitely one of the foundational programs to learn and apply in your own life.  Check it out here.


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18 Responses to “Why Your Beliefs are More Important than Your Genes: Understanding Bruce Lipton’s “New Biology””

  1. Sue Ann Edwards Says:

    “Peace” is a response TO Reality and not a condition OF it, huh?

  2. David Black Says:

    Thanks for posting these vids, fascinating stuff.

  3. Ryan Says:

    Hi David, my pleasure. Sue Ann, I think what he means in that sentence is just that “peace” is something that happens within us as we look at the world. It’s not a condition that is inherent in the world itself. So for example, one person could go to a third world country and be perfectly comfortable whereas another person could be extremely fearful and uncomfortable. The condition of peace exists within us, not in the environment – which is good news! This means we can be at peace with whatever is happening, no matter how “atrocious” it may seem.

  4. jose Says:

    hi ryan
    what you think about natural grounding of rion williams?

    i need a opinion

  5. Sue Ann Edwards Says:

    Exactly! Peace has to be our response TO Reality before it will ever become a condition of it.

    Our DNA is “quantum” and what we believe is very much communicated to each and every one of our cells, through our production of “peptides”.

    That is why it is so important to claim Sovereignty over our emotions. (E-motion = energy in motion)

    Our fears and distrust in the world around us comes through a lack of understanding of the Law of Attraction. This law is activated and works through our SUBconscious, so it is crucial to know our deep motives.

    When we are in denial of our creative willpower and the response-abilities that go with it, we live in a Universe where there is no sense and nothing that can be trusted. Once we claim and understand HOW we create Reality and HOW we attract experiences into our lives and WHY, then we know we are safe, living in a Universe that can be trusted with open arms.

    If we looked to our definition of what “love” is, we would find much about ourselves, for our definition is twisted and warped, coming from our “inner child”. Once we connect with our “inner parent” and place “inner child” in “time out”, then we have a opportunity to understand that Love’s ways are often hard and steep so that we may come to know the passions of our hearts. Our pursuit of Love’s peace and Love’s pleasures, are merely our “inner child’s” fantasies.

    When my subclavian artery collapsed, the Dr.’s told me I wouldn’t grow back any fingernails, much less the tips of my fingers which had self amputated due to lack of blood supply. Not only did I grow my fingertips back but my fingernails as well.

    My body built new arteries, by-passing the collapse and rewired everything so the blood flowed through my brain in reverse.

    As you can guess, I don’t believe the same as most of us do, nor do I necessarily believe all of what doctors say, either. I’m living proof of the contrary.

  6. Ryan Says:

    Sue Anne, wow, that sounds like an amazing experience. Thanks for sharing that as well as those ideas on claiming our creative abilities, powerful stuff.

  7. Thomas GK Says:

    And Sue, that s great writing 🙂
    .-= Thomas GK´s last blog ..Fat Free Tea Latte Cheesecake =-.

  8. Thomas GK Says:

    Our world surely needs a new way to look at biology. Thanks for the informative post . Thanks again.

  9. Ben Tien Says:

    Hi Ryan,

    Well, our beliefs are the mental maps we use to navigate the territory we call “our life”. We develop(ed) our beliefs over time, starting from the day we were born, out of our experiences in life. At birth, we don’t really believe anything. But soon after that we start to develop our first beliefs about life.

    It all starts with a vague representation of something we experience. We haven’t got a clue where to fit that experience yet, but with time more and more clarity comes, and “knowledge” arises. That knowledge gets backed up by even more experience, and solidifies. Now the knowledge becomes a “knowing”, something that you consider “true” in your life’s experience. You have started to believe in what once was merely a thought, a possibility in the realm of options. If more validating and affirming experiences are stacked on each other, the belief develops even further, into a conviction. From that point on, you have built a fortress around your belief, and it might seem that no-one is able to prove your belief wrong anymore.
    .-= Ben Tien´s last blog ..Building Rapport with Your Client =-.

  10. Steve Says:

    Hi Ryan,

    I recently found your blog and have enjoyed reading your articles- keep up the great work! One comment on this statement-

    “Basically, a cell will monitor its environment for changes and, based on it’s perception of the environment (it’s beliefs), the cell will modify it’s genetics to have the best chance at surviving.”

    I think it would be more accurate to say that the “cell will modify its gene expression to have the best chance at surviving.” Our actual genes/ DNA is fixed upon our conception, this is what gave us the general idea that many of our traits are unalterable. However, every single cell in our body possesses the same set of genes, and obviously our DNA is ‘expressed’ in radically different ways in the development of our different cells/tissues/organs. In the same way, our exernal and internal environments affect the expression of our genes in our day to day living. This differential expression can even be heritable and passed down to succeeding generations- in learning about Lipton I read about a fascinating study of this with rats (let me know if you have not seen it.)

  11. Theodora Kendrew Says:

    Thx. Hope to determine some additional information in future. Auther will be the very best

  12. JW Says:

    Hey Ryan,
    I have been listening to this audio in my car the last few days and have found these ideas to be very empowering, basically a scientific validation that we are not victims of circumstances/genes. It has made me alot more conscious of what I am thinking/reacting to when you know that the energy you are sending out really does make a difference. I look forward to checking out the videos too.

  13. Ryan Says:

    Hey JW, cool man. Yeah the program is really great to listen to, it’s very empowering and enlightening. The videos are a great summary of all the ideas too.

  14. Taylor Says:

    Hi Ryan

    Every once and awhile, something like your post will cause me to break out of my traditional thinking and follow a better path to better thinking, better health, and better living.

    But then I fall back into my old habits which take over and I get back on the carousel I’ve built for myself.

    Hopefully this time around I can maintain a commitment and focus to being more of student of what you have presented here

  15. Mike Says:

    A lot of what controls our behavior goes on at a sub-conscious level. This article is a good example of how we can influence our subconscious minds – although the results are not always predictable.

    As a long time athlete I know the power of the mind in using our beliefs to influence outcomes. Many pro-athletes use the power of visualization to see themselves accomplishing their goal.

  16. Clayton Says:

    I think most people at one time believed this without the scientific evidence to back it up. But as we became for of a “victim” society (nothing is really our fault) we drifted away from this belief. It’s good to have some evidence to bring us back to what many of us believed all along.

    – C

  17. Willa Taley Says:

    Thanks for sharing this information and I really learned a lot. We must need to learned this topic.

  18. Bob Says:

    This is all so very true. Believing in a positive outcome and following up with appropriate behavior and repeating this until it becomes an automatic response = a new reality.

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