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Archive for the ‘Sexual Energy’ Category

Site Update – New Digital Magazine…Built For The Bedroom

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

Ok, yes it's been a long time since I've last posted.  My focus has changed as of late, yet that doesn't mean I've stopped writing.  Instead I launched a new project – it's a digital magazine for men.

Introducing Built For The Bedroom: The Man's Guide to Getting Fit, Attracting Women, and Having More Sex.  

Topics include ways to approach women, the mindset of a confident man, exercises to improve fitness, and nutrition and exercises to optimize hormones and energy level and much more.

Every other month, gurus from around the world will provide their best material to help you transform your sex life.

The magazine is available on Apple and Android mobile devices, so tablets or phones. 

The app is free though each issue is $3 or you can subscribe and get a bunch of cool free bonuses such as video interviews and trainings. 

I realized after years of writing and working with guys that their biggest challenges, in fact nearly all challenges, are felt through their sexual relationships with women.

The magazine contains tons of valuable information, plus it looks good too.  Check it out when you get a chance…the first issue's free!

Check it out here: Built For The Bedroom

Cultivating Male Sexual Energy through Taoist “Alchemy of Man” with Sol Sebastian

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

One of the most crucial, yet often overlooked aspects of spiritual development for men is the process of cultivating healthy sexual energy.

So often we see spiritual leaders "fall from grace" when it comes to sex.  Whether it's priests getting into altercations with alter boys or gurus taking advantage of their followers, it comes down to the same thing:

How can we, as men, develop powerful yet loving sexual energy?

One of the big reasons this issue with male sexuality is never talked about is the fact that it's so rare to find a man that has really dug deep enough to find the answers.

For men (and women too), it can be very painful to look within at one's own sexuality.  With all the guilt, shame, and frustrations surrounding it, most guys wall off their conscious awareness of it and lend themselves to a diet of porn, strippers, and the occasional drunken one night stand.

This lifestyle, which is reinforced by the media and the typical macho attitude, leads the guy down a path where his energy starts to drop, he begins to experience sexual dysfunction, and little by little his overall quality of life begins to decline…I know because I've been there.

Eventually, after years or even decades of this kind of life, he reaches a point…

A point where he wakes up.

A point where he stops and he says, "Enough.  This is it.  I am not going to live one more second like this.  Today I change.  Today I choose to manage my sexual energy."

In that moment, his entire world shifts.  The energetic charge emitted by his soul changes frequency, and he begins to attract new people into his life; new friends, new teachers, and new women.

If he is especially lucky, he will find himself in the midst of learning from someone who is not only experienced, but that has also integrated both their human nature and spiritual nature into one cohesive blend of power, truth, and love.

Someone like my new friend and acquaintance, Sol Sebastian.

Sol has been teaching men how to cultivate and transform their sexual energy for over 15 years.  He balances both the higher truths about sex, relationships, and women, with the powerful and penetrating masculine energy within the human body.

The best thing about how he teaches is that he doesn't get too hung up on the mental side of things, instead he gets in there and practices. 

He currently offers workshops around the world where he gives men a working blueprint for, not only developing sexual energy, but to also bring that energy up into the higher centers so that the man can experience a true paradigm shift.

To get an idea of what I am talking about, check out some of his videos:

Male Sexual Energy & the Influence of the Media
You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

How Sexual Energy & Tantra is Taught in the West
You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

His Reason for Teaching Guys about Sexual Energy
You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

What Guys Can Expect on the Path of Cultivating Sexual Energy
You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

I recently had the chance to meet Sol and experience a shortened version of his workshop.  He is a really cool, down to earth guy that knows his stuff.  He doesn't promise quick fixes or cure-all techniques but emphasises practicing for the long term.

In just a couple of hours he taught me and the rest of a small group, some simple and powerful Taoist exercises that increase sexual potency, help release stuck energy, and promote sexual integration within the body and the mind.

I plan on bringing more of his material to Yang Town in the future (maybe an interview or something) so I figured I could give you a little taste of what he is all about so that you might get a few ah-ha's or some inspiration on your path.

Sol's girlfriend also gives workshops for women on how they can cultivate their sexual energy in a similar manner.  Her name is Saida Désilets, and she just finished a powerful and enlightening book called The Sensual Woman.  For women interested in discovering more about their spiritual and sexual nature, visit her website the Desilets Method