How to Overcome Shyness & Social Anxiety with EFT
Tuesday, March 1st, 2011It's my junior year in college. I'm in my business management class and about to give a class presentation. I stand up and walk to the front of the classroom.
I plug in my flash drive into the school's computer, and pull up my powerpoint on the overhead projector. I take a deep breath and start my presentation.
The report is on human resources…probably the most boring topic (at least how it was being taught here).
As I start to explain all the elements of successful human resource, I think to myself, "ok, so far so good, keep going".
I get through 1 slide, 2 slides, 3 slides…I get more than halfway through when suddenly…I start to lose my voice.
My throat gets dryer and dryer. I cough and regain my composure and keep going.
Soon the coughing starts again, this time my throat is so dry I can't even swallow. I try to speak but my voice comes out in broken, crackled sounds.
"No! What the hell is happening!?" I think to myself. My face get flushed and I start to panic.
I have no choice but to concede and admit defeat.
I excuse myself in mid presentation to go outside and get some water and regain myself.
All the embarrassment, nervousness, and self-consciousness, hit me like a ton of bricks.
I thought I had come so far.
I thought all that shyness was behind me.
I thought I had successfully stuffed it back into the deep recesses of my mind, to live as a faint memory…
I was wrong.
The shyness that had bothered me all through my elementary school days was alive as ever; it just happened to come out on special occasions…lucky me.
It wasn't until several years later that I actually discovered a process to actually CLEAR the shyness and "social anxiety" away…for good.
I had actually stumbled upon a technique that allowed me to heal the source of the shyness and anxiety once and for all.
The technique worked by stimulating the meridians, which are the energy pathways in the body (similar to blood veins but much smaller), which then cleared away any imbalance that was present; it's the same wisdom behind acupuncture.
Shyness and social anxiety are simply labels for when we have an energy block in the mouth and throat and an accompanying feeling of nervousness and self-consciousness.
Once we clear these energy-motions (e-motions) by stimulating the acupressure points, the block is dissolved and the energy flows properly; allowing us to speak clearly and with ease.
In the following 2 videos, I will show you exactly how to use these techniques to clear away shyness and social anxiety on your own, at any time.
The best part is, once you learn how to do it, you can then apply it to your own specific situation for even better results.
I'll start with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and then follow it up with TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique) for a very thorough healing.
If you are new to either EFT or TAT, you may want to read up on them by clicking on the links in the last sentence.
If you already are familiar with these techniques, or you just want to dive right in, then just start the videos below and tap along with me as we clear away the shyness and social anxiety together.
How to Overcome Shyness & Social Anxiety: EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique
[Part 2 removed due to legal reasons]
Feel free to leave any questions, comments, or requests (for other issues to clear).
Use the Tapas Acupressure Technique to Heal Depression
Tuesday, August 10th, 2010Have you ever found yourself bored and all by yourself? Perhaps you ended a relationship, moved, or switched jobs.
Maybe you can remember a time when you became sad or even lonely.
We all experience emotional ups and downs, it's just part of life. Yet, sometimes we can get stuck….
Stuck in a way that the negative feelings we experience aren't just part of an up and down cycle but rather a permanent down, or at least that's what it feels like.
The difference between just feeling low and full-blown depression is basically in our ability to bounce back and pick ourselves up.
In the case of depression, it's as if our entire energy system has collapsed and we are stuck in a hole that we can't dig ourselves out of no matter how hard we try.
We have tons of options to treat the problem, ranging from anti-depressant drugs to chemically-laden energy boosters, yet most of these options seem to be like kicking a dead horse; that is, they don't seem to fix the root of the problem.
Yet what if we had a magic "reset button" for our thoughts and feelings?
What if we could simply press this button any time we wanted and our mental and emotional anguish would disappear?
What if this reset button was built into our body and all we had to do was know how to utilize it?
Guess what…this is exactly the case…when we use the Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT).
If you are new to T.A.T., make sure to read the Tapas Acupressure Technique step-by-step instructions or if you are willing to dive right in, just watch the videos below:
Here is a brief explanation of the process and how to use it for your own issues:
Tapas Acupressure Technique is a simple and easy way to rapidly process significant emotional trauma, break free from persistent negative beliefs, disperse severe anxiety, and even heal long-held physical injuries or allergies.
Tapas Acupressure works by stimulating several key pressure points (near your eyes and forehead), which is where your emotional pathways meet your brain; allowing you to "reset" your body from a stress response to a relaxed peaceful response.
It also helps you to re-program your brain-stem/amygdala (which is where your freeze, fight or flight instincts are triggered) allowing you to gain CONSCIOUS control over behaviors, beliefs, and feelings that used to be completely automatic and unconscious.
When you perform TAT, you focus on several key statements that help walk you through the process of releasing whatever feeling or belief has been blocking your energy and well-being.
The effects of TAT are very subtle and you may not notice them immediately BUT they are very powerful and CUMULATIVE, which means that the more you do TAT, the more powerful the process will become; eventually you will be able to heal years worth of accumulated suffering in minutes.
Issues that would commonly have taken 10 or 20 years of traditional talk therapy can be cleared in 1 or 2 sessions with TAT.
In this video, I walk you through the process of healing Depression, which has usually come about because a person's energy system has completely collapsed – leading to feelings of extreme tiredness, laziness, loss of motivation, loss of sex drive, loss of hope and joy.
To truly overcome depression, simply repeat this depression healing at least 5 times, once a day for 5 days. Make sure to repeat the intention at the beginning of the video since it increases the healing power of TAT (if you are new to TAT, also do all the initial steps in part 1 every time you do TAT).
If you would like more information about TAT, please contact me at